Reform to Remain Strategy
The Quest to Unite Leave and Remain
As Labour members, our reasons for leaving the European
Union with ‘Lexit’ are quite different to Brexit. Labour Leavers or ‘Lexiters’
wish for the EU to amend a few regulations that would allow the Labour Party,
the freedom to make its own economic policy decisions. We also believe, that if
the EU were to concede on the regulations currently preventing the creation of
Socialist economic policy, then Brexit in itself, would become irrelevant.
We are naturally internationalists and irrespective of our
Brexit positions, we all hold a deep longing to maintain our close relationship
with the people of the European Union. This is combined with the equally strong
desire, to have the most progressive Labour Manifesto ever created, implemented
in full and without delay or hindrance. The current belief that we can’t have
both, has caused some consternation within the membership, as to the direction
the Labour party should take in Brexit negotiations.
Tory/Hard Brexit
We are united in the fact that, we are completely against
any form of right wing tory Brexit. This is not just because of anti-tory
sentiment but because we feel any deal they strike, will intentionally either
lead to the greatest bonfire of Human and Employment rights ever seen in the UK
or will tie the UK into the economically restrictive EU regulations for another
generation, denying the realisation of our truly progressive, socialist
We also believe that those demanding a hard Brexit, do so in
their desire for total separation from European Union regulations, to create a
UK where the protections of ordinary people are discarded and enable the UK to
be reinvented as a low wage, low skilled, bargain basement, tax haven.
Unacceptability of Brexit Choice
The destructive nature of Brexit has forced Labour members
into having to consider the most awful of choices, do we sacrifice the European
Union for our Manifesto or do we sacrifice the manifesto, to remain in the
European Union?
It’s a choice that irrespective of the decision we make, we
all lose a piece of who we are and what we want our future to be.
As labour members we find this choice unacceptable and we
recommend Labours negotiations with the EU, adopt a ‘Reform to Remain’
Reform to Remain Strategy to Benefit All of the EU?
As Labour members, we recommend that Brexit negotiations
should focus on changing the EU regulations that prevent the full and
unhindered implementation, of the Labour Manifesto.
We recognise that ‘Reform to Remain’ is a highly ambitious
strategy, as it requires that we approach the EU, not just to negotiate a
bespoke deal for the UK, that will allow us to trade as partners with the EU,
but to change the regulations that are forcing us to consider leaving in the
first instance. We believe that if this is achieved, then we completely remove
the need to leave the European Union without a 2nd Referendum or
Peoples Vote.
As Labour members we are acutely aware and deeply concerned
about the civil and economic issues that our brothers and sisters in the European
Union are suffering with poverty, inequality, unfairness and the rise of the
far right in Europe to name but a few. We believe that the restrictive nature
of EU regulations on all European Union member states, has deprived the people
of the EU the opportunity to vote for the changes that it needs. We believe
that the rise of the far right in the EU has been caused by the lack of a
political alternative, as opposed to the evils of racism and xenophobia. We
believe that the ‘Reform to Remain’ strategy, whilst not only allowing the UK
to remain as part of the European Union, will also provide ‘all’ nations of the
EU, the fundamental changes they need to EU regulations, to start addressing
the injustices within their own nations.
We believe that ‘Brexit’ can be turned into a fantastic
opportunity to fight for the changes that not only the UK needs, but the needs
of the entire EU region.
Creating a New Larger Support Base for Lexit
There are several Brexit positions which have coalesced into
three main groups. This has led to much misunderstanding of each other positions.
‘Lexiters’ has been branded in the same group as those wishing to leave the EU
to reduce our protections or on xenophobic grounds.
Likewise, those who wish to remain and reform the EU have
been branded the same as those wishing to deny us the chance of Labours
progressive manifesto.
This group is made up of two types of remain supporter.
Those who are passionate about the EU and the Labour Manifesto those who are
passionate about the EU and are not passionate about the manifesto. Reform to
Remain would split this group.
Remain and Reform
This group are also passionate about the EU and the Labour
Manifesto. I believe that they would support a Reform to Remain strategy as it
meets their objectives.
This group is interesting because it combines Labour
Leavers, tory regulation destroyers and xenophobes. ‘Reform to Remain’ would
separate the Labour leaver from the regulation destroyers and racists.
By creating the new group of ‘Remain to Reform’ we believe
it possible to separate the clustered groupings of remain and Leave supporters
and create a new and very large central group. Bringing them together under the
banner of ‘Reform to Remain’.
The new groupings would look like this.
Reform to Remain
This group now consists of half the entire remain group, the
entire and remain and reform group and the entire Labour Leave group.
A group largely of hard remain voters with no interest in
the Labour manifesto or changing EU rules to enable the Democratisation of the
This group now largely consists of those who wish to leave
the EU for xenophobic reasons and those who seek a bonfire of our working and
human rights.
Benefits of ‘Reform to Remain’
We believe that the ‘Reform to Remain’ strategy has the
potential to unite both leave and remain supporters, both from inside and
outside of the Labour Party because it:
Gives back control to freely decide our economic
Gives confidence to remain voters that the
Labour Party truly is fighting to remain as part of the European Union.
Gives confidence to ‘Leave’ voters that we
really are fighting to return the control we need to direct our own political
Allows Labour Manifesto within the European
Brexit is dealt with in months, as opposed to
years as only a fraction of the EU rules need to be renegotiated, as compared
with a full Brexit.
No issues with the Irish.
No divorce bill.
Retains access to cross border programs Schengen,
Horizon 2020, Euratom, the European Medicines Agency, Eurojust, Europol and
European arrest warrants.
No food and medical supply shortages.
Freedom of movement remains intact but current
allowable restrictions are enforced.
Freedom for all political parties of the EU to
determine and freely present their own unrestricted manifestos.
Provide alternative political direction for the people
of the EU to the hard right.
Open up the political spectrum in Europe to ‘new
thinking’ and direction.
‘Reform to Remain’
has three main advantages.
Whilst negotiating with the EU it allows both ‘remain’
and ‘leave’ supporters to unite around a common vision, to remain with the
Labour manifesto intact. As such, the focus of attention is redirected away
from the Labour Party and onto the Council of the European Union Itself.
We use Brexit as a fantastic opportunity, not
just to fight for the rights of the people of the UK, but for the people of the
entire EU region.
If we don’t secure the changes we desire, then
the EU will have sent a clear and unequivocal message to all of its member
states, that if any of them desire the freedom to determine their own economic
policy, then they will have to leave the EU to achieve it.
Does ‘Remain to Reform’ Change Labours Brexit Position?
We believe that ‘Reform to Remain’ doesn’t fundamentally
change the Labour Party approach to Brexit but adds another layer to it. Our
strategy must primarily be developed around options that will facilitate the
Labour Manifesto. Therefore our strategy could be:
Reform to Remain
Bespoke deal/soft Brexit
Peoples Vote (back stop)
As such, we recommend that a ‘bespoke deal/ soft Brexit’ and
a ‘Peoples Vote’ for the UK are considered our back stops to ‘Reform to Remain’
as they both render the UK powerless to affect the changes that the people of
the EU need.
Take a Break from Brexit / Withdrawal Bill Extension
As ‘Reform to Remain’
has evolved in the twilight of the Brexit negotiation period, we recognise that
we may need more time to negotiate Brexit and to seek support within the EU.
With this in mind we also support DiEM25’s call to ‘Take a Break from Brexit’.
Therefore, as Labour Party members we respectfully request
that you consider the following recommendations when entering into the Brexit
Recommend ‘Reform to Remain’ strategy to unite
‘Leave’ and ‘Remain’ voters under common direction.
Recommend ‘Reform to Remain’ to turn Brexit into
an opportunity to not only bring the changes the UK needs, but deliver the
changes the entire EU region need.
Recommend that support is sought from
sympathetic EU leaders to increase pressure on the Council of the European
Recommend that we show the people of the EU that
the decent people of the UK don’t want to leave the EU, but are not being
allowed to stay.
Recommend that we show the people of the EU that
if we do leave, it will be for purely economic reasons that is causing us as
much regret as them.
Recommend that a bespoke deal/soft Brexit and
Peoples vote are considered as back stops to ‘Reform to Remain’.
Recommend that if ‘Reform to Remain’ is not
accepted by the EU then the softest possible Brexit is sought that allows the
Labour Manifesto in full.
I hope that this recommendation will receive your support
and we can fight to build a European Union for all people.
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